Shifting spaces creates stress

It’s a normal occurrence at Perry Meridian High School for teachers to move classrooms. 

However, according to 2021 assistant principal Lucas Klipsch, around a dozen teachers had to pack up and move to a different room this summer. Normally, only three or four  teachers are moved between years.

The heightened movement is brought mostly by the increase in students Perry has seen the last few years.

“With the number of kids we’re going to have coming from the middle school, I think it’s possible that we’ll have to end up moving people around more than we like–and more than we used to,” Klipsch says.

Most teachers only have to move once or twice in their careers. Some teachers are not as lucky.

“I don’t think I ever really get used to moving classrooms,” Visual Communications teacher and Yearbook adviser Kristine Brennan. says. “It’s never convenient.”

Brennan has moved rooms 5 times throughout her short time at Perry, this year she’s teaching in an all new room at the back of the IMC.

Perry administration anticipates  this amount of movement will become common in the coming years.