For students to display their art in the halls of Perry Meridian, they must come up with a sketch of their idea, and display how they are going to pay for the materials used to make it. After doing this, their idea then has to be pitched to administrator Lucas Klipsch.
Throughout the years, administrators have judged and accepted multiple murals that can now be seen around the school’s hallways.
These murals have made the school a more unique place and have allowed students to leave their own personal mark on the school, lasting for long after they leave.
“The school needs more color,” junior Avi Sherlock says. “The murals not only cover up the blank space, but they also help brighten up the place.”
These different murals throughout the school have also been created as a way to connect to students or a certain topic. The mural painted on the English hall features a series of commonly-taught books stacked on top of each other, creating a staircase.
Murals have started to pop up rapidly around the school recently, with more than three new murals being added in the last four years.
“Personally, I would make a geometric mural and put it in the 5 hallway,” says art teacher Kalie Holdren.
These murals, along with other art projects throughout the school, have been created to make a variety of statements.
Walking through the hallways, it’s hard not to notice the presence of student-made sculptures that appear every once in a while.
In 2019, sculptures of humans made from tape appeared on certain walls and hallways such as the 12 and 2-7 hallways.
The sticky humans were created both as an art installation and as an entry in senior April Addams’ AP Studio Art portfolio.
The installation in the 12 hallway has since been moved.
In addition to the aforementioned ‘tape-men,’ populating the hallways is a set of diverse cardboard robots, also created by art students.
Art teacher and art club sponsor Kalie Holdren is responsible for both projects that can be seen within the halls.
As with the tape-men, the cardboard robots were designed with the end goal of being an art installation.
In late October, the robots were taken down as they were only meant to be in the halls for around a month.
Specifically, they were meant to represent the parts of the school that needed to be ‘fixed’. This explains the areas in which they were placed.
A recent addition to the art installations are the hanging pieces of trash displayed near the main stairwell. It is planned to increase in size over time.
“I love having student work in the hallways,” art teacher Christine Dearth says. “Some of the pieces have been thought provoking and some are just entertaining. I think that benefits students and staff.”
As the year moves forward, students can expect more decorations such as these to appear throughout the halls of Perry.