The art of procrastination: I’ll finish it later

Most students have procrastinated on work at least once in their lives .
Although there are “straight-A” students, even they might not want to do homework the second they get home from school.
There are some students that get home, maybe have a snack and scroll through Instagram for a bit before getting to work. Then there are some who have the intention of doing it later but completely forget about it.
Junior Skyler Lisby does not always complete her homework when she arrives home.
“Whenever I come home from school, I have homework, but I don’t feel like doing it, especially when I know I have to work,” Lisby says.
A lot of people procrastinate and don’t really think about the consequences. Lisby believes the main reason people procrastinate is because they are lazy or just want some time alone.
While some think procrastination isn’t something to be proud of, others, such as sophomore Evelyn Perez, thinks that it’s not as bad as people make it out to be.
“I don’t think it’s bad, as long as you put in the same amount of effort as if you had more time,”Perez explains.
If a project or essay isn’t due until the next week, most teachers wouldn’t expect it to be completed the day it was assigned. Students would wait a day or two after or until they find free time.

Psychology teacher, Julie Carey, explains the science behind why people procrastinate.“As to causes, just like most things in life, any particular behavior, such as procrastination, is usually a result of multiple factors,” she says. “For example, a person’s tendency to procrastinate of an individual tendency, genetics, learned behavior, and social/cultural influences.”
According to, Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum scanned the brains of 264 people to measure their proactivity and found that procrastinators tended to have a larger amygdala, an almond-shaped mass inside the brain involved with experiencing emotions, as well as a weaker connection between the amygdala and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, the part of your brain that is responsible for cognition.
“Individuals with a larger amygdala may be more anxious about the negative consequences of an action, they tend to hesitate and put off things,” study author Erhan Genç says.
While being a procrastinator is a hard habit to break, Dr. Caroline Schlüter, a researcher in Biological Psychology and Personality Neuroscience states, “The brain is very responsive and can change throughout the lifespan.”
Although there is science behind procrastination, there are people who might not have a larger amygdala or a weak connection between their amygdala and DACC, but instead have a lot of things at home that do not revolve around school.
“I only procrastinate when I’m super busy, which is like 60 percent of the time,” Perez says. “Some people procrastinate because of the inconvenience of when they are first given the assignment.”
Students are frowned upon for procrastinating, no matter the situation, while some are more sympathetic.
Either way, procrastination is a force to be reckoned with among most high school students.