Teens face social stigma

As Halloween approaches, the classic debate over whether or not teenagers should be able to trick-or-treat tends to arise between different generations.

Many people say that teens are “too old” to trick-or-treat and that they need to “grow up.” But then what happens when we try to do exactly that?

Take Greta Thunberg and her climate strikes, for example. As the 16-year-old Swede leads worldwide protests, many of her critics say that she needs to slow down and enjoy her childhood.

How about students like David Hogg, who lead movements for gun control in our nation? He and his fellow protestors’ messages are often disregarded due to their age.

So how do we win? Is there a balance that can be found?

Junior Claire Bilodeau, who attends peaceful protests for causes she aligns herself with, sees the need to take into account a child’s malleability.

“[Taking them to protests] teaches them to stand up for what they believe in and know they have a powerful voice,” she says. “However, it is imperative that they don’t come from a place of hate because that doesn’t set a good example for impressionable minds.”

No matter what we do, we’ll be criticized. That’s just something we have to accept.

But we also can’t let it stop us. Our youth puts us in a unique position to change our own future. If we find a need for change, let’s put our minds to it and see it through.

Spending a night trick-or-treating in your neighborhood isn’t hurting anyone, and neither is fighting for a better tomorrow for our generation and the ones to come.