Coming up: Mr. Falcon 2023

The stars of the show get together! Back Row: Olivia May, AJ Jacobs, Owen Tout, Michael Gil, Anna Kavanaugh, Mia Allman, Beck Borders, Logan Gault, Cali Evers, Luke Marlatt. Middle Row: Sophia Peterson, Lane Terry, Ari Rawlins, Frederick Seddon, Hana Par, Ding Thang, Jake Phillips, Maya Mundy. Front Row: Isbely Par, Chanza Lian, Biak Tha Par, Dirk Soughan, Sammy Hock, Lizzie Miller, Audrey Nash, Ezra Lee. Not pictured: Audrey McDuffee and Ryan Ketchum. Photo provided by Jacqui Sheehan

Since 2014, boys in their senior year at Perry Meridian have represented something that they participate in at the school and compete against one another to earn the title of “Mr. Falcon.” Mr. Falcon is an event hosted by CWC with Jacqui Sheehan as their leader. The event involves several of the seniors that are seen around the school, 14 of them being contestants. 

It’s officially time for the guys to get the spotlight. While yes, there are senior girls involved as coaches for the young men, the guys finally get to shine. Mr. Falcon is basically just a big talent show and beauty pageant combined just for the boys. Each contestant has a title. For example, Dirk Soughan has the title of “Mr. Music.” Soughan is in the Then & Now choir and the wind ensemble where he plays the bassoon.

“The best part about Mr. Falcon is the people,” Soughan said. “It’s all the very best, most fun, and most outgoing people you could meet. So many of them aren’t scared to dance, talk, or yell, and it just makes things even more possible.”

The titles they choose represent what they are a part of the most. Sports, clubs, and music is just a small fragment of what will be represented this year at Mr. Falcon. This year, Owen Tout has been killing it on the improv team, so now he has the title of “Mr. Improv.” 

“I haven’t really gotten involved with any performance type of activities,” Tout said. “I’ve always thought about it, and Mr. Falcon is changing that for me.”

A major area that the school focuses on is sports. Perry Meridian offers a variety of sports for so many different students. One of the many sports being represented this year is baseball. “Mr. Baseball” is Jake Phillips. Phillips joined Mr. Falcon this year because he has gone to the previous shows and wants to do as much as he can during this last semester so he doesn’t have any regrets in the future.

“People should come watch because we put a lot of time into getting everything down,” Phillips said. “There are a lot of nerves and Miss Sheehan put a lot of time and effort into it.”

Samuel Hock, aka “Mr. Swim,” is one of the students keeping the enthusiasm alive at Perry Meridian. With his elaborate outfits for spirit weeks and his energetic personality, Hock has made an impact on the way things run at the school. Hock has loved performing for people, even as a young child, so Mr. Falcon is a golden opportunity for him to find joy in making people laugh and having a good time. 

“People should come watch Mr. Falcon because it’s more than just a talent show or a performance,” Hock said. “It’s a way for people to show their interests and express themselves.”

There are many more Mr. Falcon contenders this year, which include:

Luke Marlatt (Mr. Drumline), Lane Terry (Mr. Tennis), Michael Gil (Mr. Track and Field), Ryan Ketchem (Mr. Football), Logan Gault (Mr. Cross Country), Ding Thang (Mr. Then and Now), Ezra Lee (Mr. Theatre), Chanza Lian (Mr. StuVo), Frederick Seddon (Mr. Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica), and AJ Jacobs (Mr. National German Honor Society).

Mr. Falcon is a great opportunity for the male students of Perry to have fun with their last remaining months as high school students. With the options of events getting smaller with the end of the school year, Mr. Falcon has proved to be beneficial not only for the contestants but for the community at Perry Meridian as well.

Mr. Falcon 2023 will take place on Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. Tickets are only five dollars and can be bought from contestants and their coaches, as well as Sheehan. Not only is this event for fun, it is also to raise money for CWC so that they can produce a high-quality literary magazine. You can now submit to the Litmag by going to your team Canvas page and filling out a form. 

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